Midlife Change with Laura Lee

Laura and rasta close upIn 2004, at age 49, I began transforming everything, but especially my attitude. After a painful divorce, job and then career loss, I decided to focus on my highest priorities. Then I got busy.  First I changed my attitudes about love and life, then I found the best life partner for me! (Learn more about how to do this in my book! How To Believe In Love Again) I had no idea I was experiencing a normal, healthy transformation available to everyone at midlife.  Then I became a writer, something I had always dreamt of…

“Open to your vast spontaneous creativity. Give yourself the freedom to try new things. Let go of your innate fear of failure, and finally feel free to experiment, perhaps for the first time in decades!”  — Laura Lee

As many of you may know, I am a trained psychotherapist who has researched and written extensively on the topics of love, trust and midlife redemption and rebirth. 

Please contact me at MidlifeCrisisQueen@gmail.com for copies of any of my books.

 Find Your Reason Cover smallAfter changing everything in my own life, I spent ten years studying the psychology of midlife change. In order to pass that learning on to my readers, I wrote this book. I had no idea back in 2004, when my own midlife mayhem began, that I was experiencing a perfectly normal and even healthy response to so many midlife challenges. I soon learned: Midlife is a new rite of passage for the human race, beginning with the boomers. If you are willing to take some risks, you can change just about everything in your life. However, some serious soul surgery and personal change will be required.

“This book was a HUGE wake up call for me.  I found it to be far, far more helpful and honest than ANY of the other books I’ve read that purport to help one find their life purpose. This book is my lifeline to sanity and purpose.”  — Joseph Mueller 

My first book: Midlife Magic: Becoming the Person You Are Inside! explains how midlife change works, from the inside out. Learn why this is your moment to change everything! From the first time you realize that being in your 40s is different, to learning how to take full advantage of those differences, you need this book. Here I share my own story of transformation from divorced, unemployed and miserable, to my best life ever. Peppered with motivational quotes, this slim volume shows you how to transform your present crisis into many amazing new opportunities.

Remember, the opposite side of the coin of fear is excitement. When was the last time you felt like anything could happen? When was the last time you allowed yourself to feel your full potential to grow and change and be all that you could be? This apparent crisis is offering you the opportunity of a lifetime. Do not miss out.   — Laura Lee Carter

Are you ready to change your life and finally have what you choose?

Please contact me at MidlifeCrisisQueen@gmail.com to purchase copies of any of my books.

E-book and some paperback versions are available through Amazon


65 thoughts on “Midlife Change with Laura Lee

  1. Pingback: Women’s Liberation Yesterday and Today | Adventures of the NEW Old Farts

  2. Hi Laura Lee, I’m so happy I stumbled upon your site. I’m in my mid-fifties and skipping a midlife crisis, but I can 100% relate to being at an age where I feel empowered to try new things and let the real me shine. Cheers to mid-lifers


  3. Pingback: Midlife: Time to Broaden Your Comfort Zone! | Adventures of the NEW Old Farts

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