The Redemptive Power of Love

I woke up this morning just in time to hear the end of the wonderful talk by Reverend Michael Curry at the Royal Wedding of Harry and Meghan Markle:

“Dr. King was right: ‘We must discover the power of love, the redemptive power of love. And when we discover that, we will be able to make of this old world a new world.                                   Love is the only way.’ ”

This has also been my experience with love. When I finally found true love at age 49, I somehow felt redeemed. To redeem means “to make an unpleasant thing or person feel better or more acceptable.”

Laura and Mike Wedding Day 2005

Mike and I on our wedding day. Just like a couple of kids…

I had never felt true love from another my entire life. There had always been reasons why I was not acceptable to those I had loved in my past. That is why it felt so magical to me when Mike embraced all of me as just right! And even now, thirteen years later I still feel loved, appreciated and accepted every day of my life. And to think this all started on a blind date eight months earlier…

Love is an amazing way to change your world. Love like this was the most important piece that was missing from my life, and when I decided that and then began focusing wholeheartedly on that goal, it happened! Like magic we met and knew very quickly that we had met our true match FINALLY!

How to Believe in Love Again! blog sizeA few years later I wrote my book: “How To Believe In Love Again” to help others realize this universal truth through love. It is so easy to get distracted by other goals and not realize that love can complete your life. Especially as we age we know what matters and what does not. Without Mike’s love so many of my other goals would not have come to fruition. Because of his support both emotionally and financially, I had the time, courage and audacity to reach one of my most important dreams. I became a writer and author. Then, with his technical skills and the power of his own dreams, we were able to build a passive solar home looking at the Spanish Peaks.

Yes, love can help you build your dreams and create so many more, and it is also so wonderful to feel that daily support from another human being who stands by you no matter what.

What the heart has once known, it shall never forget…

9 thoughts on “The Redemptive Power of Love

  1. One risks so much when one loves. Love is an act of courage. How grateful am I for the courageous ones in this world who love completely!
    This is beautiful, Laura!


  2. Hi Laura Lee! You are so right that love is the greatest power on Earth. When we tap into it and use it, nothing is impossible. So happy you found yours and look where it has led! ~Kathy


  3. I also believe in love at first site. Twenty-seven years ago I met my husband on a Friday night. We moved in together on Saturday and we’ve never spent a night apart in all of these years. He is truly my soul mate.


  4. Hi Laura Lee! I’m married to a Mike as well and I know without his support and love my life would be so different and definitely not as rich. We are both second-time arounders but have been together 25 years and still in love and as strong as ever. Thanks for the reminder that love is important in our lives. xx


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